Svalbard: The adventure
Travelling around Svalbard
What an adventure! We arrived in Svalbard and my iPhone said sunset at 00:00 and sunrise at 00:05! The weather ranged from between minus 6 to plus 6, changing between sunny days with clear blue skies and mirror-like calm seas to stormy, rainy days that were moody and rough. We were based on a boat, with twice daily Zodiac rides and landings when possible to do so (dependant on the presence of polar bears or not!)
Svalbard is one of the last truly wild places on our troubled planet and still we found plastic on some beaches there. I learnt the true meaning of the word remote, and I felt I had a responsibility to protect this wild place, and maybe one way I could help is to produce the best photography I could. What an immense privilege in my life it is to have sailed around and explored even just a tiny bit of Svalbard.
And as if that was not enough, we sailed right up to the edge of the world's Ice Cap, just 500 miles from the North Pole at 81.5 degrees.